Case Study: BITA & impak Analytics

Pioneering the Future of Sustainable Investing with the World's First EU Taxonomy Index.
Our partnership with BITA is the perfect example of how our granular data supports an investable product. The EU Taxonomy Index is a perfect example of how our collaboration is accelerating the development of innovative sustainable investment solutions.”
-Boris Couteaux, Head of Indices at impak Analytics

The Challenge
BITA and impak Analytics sought to harness their combined expertise to launch innovative Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Impact indexes, aiming to enable investors to navigate the rapidly evolving sustainable investing landscape.
Impak Analytics chose to work with BITA for several key reasons:
Comprehensive Partnership: impak selected BITA for its unparalleled expertise in custom index development, global index administration, and state-of-the-art cloud-based index creation tools.
Cutting-Edge Technology Integration: BITA's indexing capabilities, combined with impak's double materiality selection tool and impak Score™, provided an innovative and scalable solution to the market's need.
First of Its Kind: Driven by innovation, they joined forces to launch the 'BITA impak Europe EU Taxonomy Index,' a ground-breaking index aligning with EU Taxonomy Aligned activities.
Support for Sustainable Transition: impak chose BITA for their mutual commitment to support the financial industry's transition towards sustainable investing, creating responsible and inclusive financial solutions.
The Results
The collaboration between BITA and impak Analytics has led to the creation of the world's first 'BITA impak Europe EU Taxonomy Index.' It reflects the synergy between BITA's advanced indexing capabilities and impak Analytics' actionable impact intelligence, providing a significant tool for sustainable investment.
This innovative index not only presents an opportunity for investors to engage with the growing sustainable investing market but also aligns investment decisions with current sustainability regulations and industry standards.
The Conclusion
The launch of the EU Taxonomy Index exemplifies the transformative potential of the partnership, accelerating the development of sustainable investment solutions and setting a precedent in the ESG sector.