Unveiling 3-Level Thematics in BITACore: Explore the World's Most Granular Thematic Database

Unveiling 3-Level Thematics in BITACore: Explore the World's Most Granular Thematic Database
Unveiling 3-Level Thematics in BITACore

We are thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to BITACore with the introduction of 3-level thematics that provide unprecedented granularity in investment customization. Our full thematic database is now available through this feature which deepens BitaCore’s capilities and strengthens its position as world's most comprehensive resource for index creation and portfolio management.

What's New?

The 3-level thematics feature allows users to filter BITA’s Thematic Database of 7500 companies at three distinct levels:

  • Themes (80+): From emerging technologies to impactful social and environmental themes, explore broad categories that define the investment landscape. Each theme includes anywhere from 50 to 200+ companies, for a total of 7500 classified companies.
  • Sub-Themes (375+): These building blocks of each theme can be individually selected for custom investment strategies and diversification across the landscape of each theme.
  • Products, Services, and Activities (PSAs) (2300+): The finest level of granularity in company revenue classification, from the manufacturing of MRNA vaccines to the provision of cybersecurity consulting services. Calculate portfolio exposures at the most detailed level.

Why It Matters?

This enhancement takes investment strategies to new heights, offering unparalleled flexibility and precision. Whether you're targeting specific industries, aligning with ESG goals, or exploring innovative technologies, 3-level thematics in BITACore empowers you to do it all.

Get Started Today!

Explore the new 3-level thematics in BITACore and discover how it can transform your investment strategies. Sign up for a trial or contact us to learn more about access to our thematic database.

At BITA, innovation and excellence are at the core of what we do. The introduction of 3-level thematics and our extensive thematic database is a testament to our commitment to providing the best tools for our users.

Elevate your investment strategies with BITACore.